What is the Second trimester?
You might know that pregnancy lasts for nine months which means 40 weeks. These 40 weeks are categorized into groups of 3 trimesters. The weeks from 13 to 27 are known as the Second Trimester.
What happens to the fetus during the Second trimester?
During the second trimester, your baby starts growing larger and stronger. You might feel a growing belly.
Now, your baby can hear you. All her/his organs are also fully developed now. You can also feel the movement of your baby.
Body changes and symptoms during the Second trimester
Following are some physical changes and symptoms that you experience during the second trimester:
Decrease in nausea and fatigue
swelling of ankles and hands
baby movement
increased appetite
body aches
the uterus starts to expands
a larger abdomen
a growing belly
the appearance of stretch marks
darkening of areas around your nipples
Harmful symptoms:
There are also some symptoms that you should never ignore and there is a need to call your doctor immediately if found during the second trimester.
extreme swelling
rapid weight gain
When to see my doctor during the second trimester?
You should see your doctor after every two to four weeks.
What should I do to stay healthy during the second trimester?
Following are some things that you can do during the second trimester for keeping you and your baby healthy:
Take your prenatal vitamins regularly
Exercise regularly
Perform kegel exercises
Eat a healthy diet (rich in fiber and protein)
Add more fruits and vegetables to your daily consumption
Drink enough water
Eat a least 300 calories per day
Keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean.
What to avoid during the second trimester?
There are several harmful things for you and your infant during the second trimester. Therefore, you need to avoid them completely.
Here is a list of things that you should avoid during your second trimester:
Avoid strenuous exercise or strength training
Cut off completely from alcohol and any illegal drugs
Quit smoking
No more caffeine
Avoid raw fish, smokes seafood, shark, swordfish, mackerel, raw sprouts, cat litter, or white shopper fish
Avoid unpasteurized milk and dairy products
Say no to deli meats and hot dogs
What should I do during the second trimester to prepare for birth?
There is much time for the birth but still, you can do some things that can help to make your third trimester less stressful:
You can take local prenatal education classes.
It is better to considered breastfeeding classes, infant CPR classes, first aid classes, and parenting classes.
Research online and educate yourself as much as you can.
Tour the hospital or birth center where you plan to give birth.
Make a nursery for your coming guest.